Training Seminars
1 Day Events

Coaching Psychology
Mindset Coaching
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) core skills
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) for beginners
Introduction to Hypnotism and Time Line Therapy
Executive Leadership Coaching
Confidence - Selling yourself to yourself
Emotional Freedom
The End of Excuses
Your influence in a confused world
Addiction - The way out
Relationships - The light and the dark
Conquer the fear of public speaking

3 Day Events
Coaching with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
NLP Excellence for Communication skills, Life skills and Coaching skills
Sales Mastery - Creating Desirable Outcomes
Motivational Coaching for Middle Management
Who Am I? Rediscover yourself

5 Day Event

Revolution of the Mind

When you complete a training of any kind, by definition you studied, but did you truly learn?
Will what you studied be put into action in life by you? If yes, you've learned. If no, did you actually learn or just listen and muddle through? Was there any point to the time and money you invested?
I don't want people to study with me. I want people to learn with me. The former does nothing for you, the latter may just change your life.
Learning new information
Inspires new thoughts
Leads to new choices
Leads to new behaviors
New behaviors lead to new experiences
New experiences should create new emotions
New emotions inspire new thoughts

The new information we learn in a training needs to be reinforced when we go back out into the world.
The synapses in our brain (connections) get stronger every time we put the new knowledge into action.
Likewise, they get weaker and weaker if we don't apply the new knowledge in any way.
My primary goal with all training seminars is to ensure participants can actually DO what they have learned from me.
Don't just study. Learn.

All of the above Training Events, Seminars and Workshops can be adapted accordingly to suit the individual needs of your people and your organization. The vast majority are also fully available online and can be facilitated over ZOOM to anywhere in the world.
The first question I ask you will be "What needs to happen for this training to be a success for you?"
Your answer to that question is all that I need.
